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 Purple Iris Large Size Vase Arrangement


“If I had a rose for every time, I thought of you. I’d be picking roses for a lifetime.”


Soft hue of purple roses represents love at first sight or even delight. People that are in love or adore their partners and family members will find a lavender rose to be the perfect symbol to show their true feelings.


A vase arrangement is a group of flowers designed and displayed into a vase, which is a pre-made gift perfect for decoration.


*All vase arrangements can be customised to your own needs from different shapes and style, contact our florists for more details, price varies depend on the size * 

Purple Iris

  • Onlyfloral delivers Hong Kong wide!

    Delivery is available Monday to Sunday throughout Hong Kong with a three day advance order. (For Same day Delivery, please contact our staff for more details)

    Please order your flowers as soon as possible to ensure a timely delivery.

    Our flexible options will ensure that your flowers arrive fast, quick and make a beautiful first impression every time.

    Delivery fee will be calculated according to different areas in Hong Kong.

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